Composite Cliff Dwelling 2022

ID: AD. 202206. CDCD

June Bug Carbon Chair II 2023

ID: FD: 032023. JUNBII

The Clove Table 2023

ID: FD: 032023. LOTH

Boulder House 2020

ID: AD. 202001. BLDH

The June Bug Carbon Chair Original 2021

ID: FD. 202008. JUNB01

Lattice Baskets 2021

ID: PD: 202106. LATT

Lily 2021

ID: VD. 202105. LILY

Snow Kiss 2020

ID: VD. 201908. SNWK

The Jungle House 2018

ID: AD. 201808.JNGH

Police Boat Portal

ID: AD. 201607. POBP

Automotive Design

The following projects below are a collection of automotive concepts I have developed over the years as personal projects during my free time. The concepts strive to take design methodoligies, aesthetics and similar styles from my furniture and architectural projects and express them in my car designs. The car design industry has always fascinated me. It is filled with passion, creative innovation, new shapes and forms.

The Autonomous Car 2020

ID: VD. 2021. AUTM

The Micro 2017

ID. VD. 201708. MC